Nov 16, 2012

Dont Go on Women's Words about their Choice in Men

Caveman jaunts around and found out that women would rarely tell you *in words* about what they *really* like in a man of their choice. Simple reason is that she herself doesn't know her attraction point when it comes to men. One thing is dead sure that she hardly likes a man's quality she speaks about to her friends,colleague,family etc etc. Don't be fooled and try to be the kind of man she describes in her liking.

End note is that -

 1) Be the man who makes fun of her often in healthy ways and occasionally in cocky ways. This trait fill up her desire for a superior man who wouldn't be smitten by her boobs and butt.

2) Most of the time its a lie about her liking in a man. Just be the man you are born with. Fearless of what she would say or want or ask in your personality. If you want to improve, improve it for yourself not for her. It would spark her desire for you that you are a man who's will is too strong for being himself.

3) Lift weights , atleast, equal to your weight 75% of your weight. A well toned man is always taken as potential source of domination, vibrant health and ultimately good company.

4) Talk less, make her wonder and think more about you. This is very important, most guys mistake of boasting too much about themselves and end up all the mystery about themselves. Mystery is the Rosetta Stone of any woman's heart in the world. If you manage to keep your mystery, you will be showered with ultimate sex, love and passion.

5) Never answer directly women's questions. You may answer about other thing but *never* about your sexual history. This is Killer. Never ever do this mistake out of passion or honesty or love. It is going to be used against you at some point of time.

Nov 12, 2012

Advice from women about women is unwise

Assumed that your ass is dumped by your girl. Natural mode of a pussy male is to turn up onto his female friends for a sympathetic shoulder in a morbid hope of getting some intimacy and an illusion-ed sense of getting some advice on his ex-girl. Caveman 've no control over such pussy whipped males but a word of caution that it would be counter productive to your already hurt heart. Most likely a woman is going to give you some of hes Mother Teresa sympathy and obviously some advice about girl. Caveman stands there are claim that this advice in most cases would inclined on her own jealousy rather than being on rational insight. In such torrid times , move to this blog or any other male friend who has had quite a few relationships.

Caveman Stone # 111 reads ''An advice about break-up/dumping/ditching/cheating/broken heart from a woman about another woman is baseless and useless because of her own natural inherent uncontrollable emotion of jealousy. Find a wise man to seek insight and truth so that you wont be dumped again.''

Jun 11, 2012

Free Love and Relationship Online Counselling

Readers are invited to send their relationship queries through e-mail. It would be solved.

E-mail can be send at - alphazany at the rate of gmail dot com .

Jun 4, 2012

What Indian Woman Want in Man

" A thousand years from now a woman will still want and need a master, the man who will own and command her - and that's the man she'll respect".

This man would not be respected because he is a dominant bastard but since he can live without her and hence can tell her, order and command her to eventually own her.

He is not master because he baits her ass but he is master because he is in control of himself, his masculinity, his thoughts, his feelings. In no way he is controlled by the pussy landscapes.

So menfolk, don't get fooled by marketing propaganda of diamond, honey package, car, chocolate companies. Your commanding arms the best gift for a woman. 

If you get it in to your skin, you will be eternally happy and more than you would be happy your woman. Woman, however, would not appreciate such a man openly but deep down she desires a man who put her in her shoes and willingly keep her there for life.

Be a man just not because you have a penis.

Jun 3, 2012

Handle the Break Up like a Man

A young boy 25 years was referred to the Caveman last evening at Gurgaon. Evidently suffering from post-breakup heart ache. Boy looked pale and hugely under-confidenced, stammering and lost in pussy promises. He started uttering every detail of his sorry affair with seemingly below average girl with sipping vitalizing organic tea offered by Caveman. One and half hour and he went out to spit every date in calender till meeting to his dumping.

Caveman would only hint out what happened with him and how it has gone out of his hand.

 Initially, they started it as a 'good friends' from boy's side. He never had any female friend that would text him in the night and eventually talk. He persisted with being friends and assumed the same role but girl has more interest level than his. Since he is a nice guy inside, he started taking care to which girl presumed that yes this is the guy and yes he too liked this attention. He later revealed that he used to think he is not worthy of this friendship( Not to mention , an indication of low-self esteem). On a certain weekend they went to watch a movie during which girl holded his hand and boy went flat. His 'just friend' wall invaded with feminine touch and they uttered ' I love you' to each other. Soon after  boy realised that they are getting more closer fast than he himself has imagined. So because of his own fear of intimacy he asked girl to talk to another colleague so that she stays at certain distance. He just meant to stay a distance but he didn't know that this would cause the girl to think him of a weak man with no guts. Soon after she lost interest and told the boy during shopping that she has moved on. Now our dear boy's mind alarmed. His casual attitude turned serious and he did the grave mistake of asking her to stay with un-usable word ,'' Please Please Please dont move away.'' The grave sign of weakness. Girl got assured that yes now she did right. She stopped picking his calls. So furious our hero went to her office and get angry and lashed out at her to which girls smiled and said take care of yourself. This lashing out made her sure that he is still in to her pussy claws. She moved on from very quickly. His chasing made her run faster away from him.

Although after the shower of truth about relationship, break up and his basic mistakes, his eyes sparked and he understood how a man shall handle his love life and especially during break up scenes.

Few things to mention here which are basic and natural principle:--

# You/Boy/Person/Personality--->Attraction---> Interest-->Liking--->Love---> Start of Relationship---> Maximum Availability----> Least curiosity---->Least Demand----> Fade Attraction---> Fading Interest---> Taking granted--->Further Fading interest and attraction---> Girl fall out of Love--->Boy got dump in mind---> She shows no interest and test your masculinity through subconscious (''I am leaving you'') test-->You plead and beg---> She is gone---->Boy is dumped.

Girl's behaviour can't be held accountable solemnly here. It is boy's behaviour and action which causes attraction to create or fade.So before blaming the girl look at what happened wrong in above mentioned series of events.

I am attaching a video from the Hindi Movie Shikhar where Bipasha Basu Threaten to Leave Ajay Devgan. Notice how he handles this break up.

Watch at 3:50 in the above video how Ajay Devgan open the door,you in every situation of mind , heart and emotion MUST do this or similar to it. If a girl asks you that she is leaving you, just stand up and open the door. By this sort of behaviour of giving them what they wanted will create a doubt and attraction in her heart and mind that you are the real man who can live without her and she cant control you. And more she cant control you, more she would doubt her decision of leaving you.

Enough said.

Caveman Stone 362 # a man who can live without his woman and your woman wouldn't leave without you...''

May 31, 2012

Judge your Lover

Many feminists and modern age blokes would shout their throats as soon as they see the word judging. Don't they. In fact, in this process they are on judging pill. Not going onto their trail, let us focus on Judging and Knowing your Lover more and more. Forget what movies,fashion magazines, celebrities etc say about judging your lover. Love is an integral part of your life and you ve full right not to let it got haywire blindly.

Caveman stone 612 # ''Judge your lover not by his/her words but actions.Words are mis-leading but actions speak the character.Save your ass and kick his/her ass if find a difference in words and actions.''

If you follow the above stone rule, its highly unlike that you would ever be blind in love. It is not advisable even under the pain of grave to turn your eye off from wrongdoings of your lover. Have courage and ration to save your heart as if heart is safe you can love as many as times as you breath.

May 30, 2012

Why women can't keep your secrets ......An Ancient glance.

Love struck men ( and their women) , this month's post is going to be a bit painful again for media-induced-feminism filled minds. Those who want to gain the wisdom will gain, rest will be going in vicious cycle of exploitation which Caveman don't care. This blog is for Men and Women who wants to lead a happy and growing love life.

Caveman stone 147# strong enough to be your own ear for your deep and black secrets. Be a tight lip when it comes about you in any conversation in world

"Search not to find what lies too deeply hid,
Nor to know things whose knowledge is forbid.:


"TO a woman and a magpie tell what you would speak in the market-place," runs the Spanish proverb--the reason being that "a woman only keeps a secret what she does not know;" and therefore an old Latin maxim solemnly enjoins us "not to trust a woman even when dead." Thus Hotspur tells his wife in "I Henry IV." (act ii. sc. 3):--

"Constant you are,
But yet a woman, and for secrecy
No lady closer; for I well believe
Thou wilt not utter what thou dost not know,
And so far I will trust thee, gentle Kate;"

which, in other words, is equivalent to the well-known German adage, "A woman can't keep a secret, nor let any one else do it." But this
maxim cannot be applied only to women, for, as it has been often remarked of secrets, both political and social, they are only too frequently made to be revealed, a truth illustrated by Bell Jonson's words in "The Case is Unaltered," wherein we find this passage:--

"A secret in his mouth
Is like a wild bird put into a cage,
Whose door no sooner opens but 'tis out."

But, whatever dependence is to be placed on a woman's reliability to keep to herself what is told in confidence, it has often been remarked that she can at least keep her own secret, a proof of which will be quickly found if any one question her on the subject of her age.

Apart from this exception, a secret in the keeping of a woman soon becomes what the Spanish are accustomed to call, "The Secret of Anchuelos," that is, one which is known to every one. The town of that name is situated in a gorge between two steep hills, on one of which a shepherd tended his flock, on the other a shepherdess. This pair kept up all amorous converse by bawling from hill to hill, but always with many mutual strict injunctions of secrecy.

The inability of a woman to keep silent what is told her in confidence--even where her husband be concerned--is exemplified in the once popular "He that tells his wife is but lately married"--her indiscretion in disclosing information entrusted to her only too frequently causing serious mischief; with which be compared the Tamil proverb, "Do not disclose your secret to your wife, nor trust your enemy at any time."
But "A wise woman hath a close mouth," which has its equivalent in the French saying, "Le plus sage se tait." According to another popular adage, "Discreet women have neither eyes nor ears," which also has its French parallel, "La femme de bien n'a ny yeux ny orelles."

A piece of proverbial lore which applies to each sex is this: "Tell your secret to your servant and you make him your master"--a maxim which may be traced to an early period when, says Kelly, "it was the policy of the Greek adventurers in Rome to worm out the secrets of the house, and so make themselves feared." Juvenal has referred to this practice:--

"Poor simple Corydon! do you suppose
Aught is kept secret that a rich man does?
If servants hold their tongues, the beasts will blab,
The dog, the door-posts, and the marble-slab."

Similarly, we find the same proverb on the Continent, "To whom you tell your secret you surrender your freedom;" or, according to another version, "Tell your friend your secret, and he will set his foot on your throat." And it may be remembered Dryden has introduced the same idea:--

"He who trusts a secret to his servant,
Makes his own man his master."

African folk-lore, too, introduces the same idea, and a popular proverb says, "If a man tells his secrets to his wife, she will bring him into the way of Satan," which, it has been remarked, is rather a strong contrast to the English proverb, "He who would thrive must ask his wife." And again, it is said, "Trust your dog to the end, a woman till the first opportunity."

As might be supposed, folk-lore, at one time or another, has made good use of the value attaching to secrets; and stories of the supernatural in romantic fiction have shown how the fair sex, under the influence of magical influences, have unknowingly revealed the most sacred secrets. But the moral of most of these tales is the same--and may be applied to either sex--the lesson conveyed being not to trust any one; for, as the French say, "the disclosure of a secret is the fault of him who first disclosed it"--a truth, indeed, which is only too constantly verified in daily life by mistaken trust in another.

Women, it is said, forget the important fact that as soon as a secret becomes the property of three persons it is all the world's, which is summed up in a common Spanish adage, "What three knows every creature knows;" whereas according to the French proverb, "The secret of two is God's secret." The same idea also exists in West Africa, where this proverb is current:" Trust not a woman; she will tell thee what she has just told her companion," and "Whatever be thy intimacy, never give thy heart to a woman."

Turning to some of the numerous folk-tales and legendary stories, in which "the secret" plays the important part, there is the famous one of Melusine, which has been told in many ways. Raymond, Count of Lusignan, was one day hunting the boar in the forest of Poitou, when, whilst wandering in the forest at nightfall through his boar having outstripped his train, he saw Melusine with her sisters, dancing by a fountain in the moonlight. Smitten with her beauty, he asked her to marry him, to which proposal she consented on condition that he would allow her to remain secret and unseen every Sunday. They were married, and her secret was kept until one of his friends suggested that she only desired privacy in order to indulge an adulterous passage.
Raymond thereupon burst into her secret chamber and discovered that she was doomed to have the lower part of her body transformed to that of a serpent every Saturday. The secret broken, she was compelled, henceforth, to leave her husband for ever, and to be totally transformed to a serpent. But her spirit continued to haunt the Castle of Lusignan before the death of any of the lords of that race.

Sometimes, on the other hand, the wife is the transgressor. In a North German story a wizard keeps a young girl by force as his wife. One day, accidentally, he lets out the secret that his soul resides in a bird, which is locked up in a church in a desert place, and that, until the bird is killed, he cannot die. The bird is killed by the girl's lover, and the wizard dies--a similar story being found in the "Arabian Nights."