Nov 16, 2012

Dont Go on Women's Words about their Choice in Men

Caveman jaunts around and found out that women would rarely tell you *in words* about what they *really* like in a man of their choice. Simple reason is that she herself doesn't know her attraction point when it comes to men. One thing is dead sure that she hardly likes a man's quality she speaks about to her friends,colleague,family etc etc. Don't be fooled and try to be the kind of man she describes in her liking.

End note is that -

 1) Be the man who makes fun of her often in healthy ways and occasionally in cocky ways. This trait fill up her desire for a superior man who wouldn't be smitten by her boobs and butt.

2) Most of the time its a lie about her liking in a man. Just be the man you are born with. Fearless of what she would say or want or ask in your personality. If you want to improve, improve it for yourself not for her. It would spark her desire for you that you are a man who's will is too strong for being himself.

3) Lift weights , atleast, equal to your weight 75% of your weight. A well toned man is always taken as potential source of domination, vibrant health and ultimately good company.

4) Talk less, make her wonder and think more about you. This is very important, most guys mistake of boasting too much about themselves and end up all the mystery about themselves. Mystery is the Rosetta Stone of any woman's heart in the world. If you manage to keep your mystery, you will be showered with ultimate sex, love and passion.

5) Never answer directly women's questions. You may answer about other thing but *never* about your sexual history. This is Killer. Never ever do this mistake out of passion or honesty or love. It is going to be used against you at some point of time.

Nov 12, 2012

Advice from women about women is unwise

Assumed that your ass is dumped by your girl. Natural mode of a pussy male is to turn up onto his female friends for a sympathetic shoulder in a morbid hope of getting some intimacy and an illusion-ed sense of getting some advice on his ex-girl. Caveman 've no control over such pussy whipped males but a word of caution that it would be counter productive to your already hurt heart. Most likely a woman is going to give you some of hes Mother Teresa sympathy and obviously some advice about girl. Caveman stands there are claim that this advice in most cases would inclined on her own jealousy rather than being on rational insight. In such torrid times , move to this blog or any other male friend who has had quite a few relationships.

Caveman Stone # 111 reads ''An advice about break-up/dumping/ditching/cheating/broken heart from a woman about another woman is baseless and useless because of her own natural inherent uncontrollable emotion of jealousy. Find a wise man to seek insight and truth so that you wont be dumped again.''