Showing posts with label Husband n wife in gurgaon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Husband n wife in gurgaon. Show all posts

Nov 12, 2012

Advice from women about women is unwise

Assumed that your ass is dumped by your girl. Natural mode of a pussy male is to turn up onto his female friends for a sympathetic shoulder in a morbid hope of getting some intimacy and an illusion-ed sense of getting some advice on his ex-girl. Caveman 've no control over such pussy whipped males but a word of caution that it would be counter productive to your already hurt heart. Most likely a woman is going to give you some of hes Mother Teresa sympathy and obviously some advice about girl. Caveman stands there are claim that this advice in most cases would inclined on her own jealousy rather than being on rational insight. In such torrid times , move to this blog or any other male friend who has had quite a few relationships.

Caveman Stone # 111 reads ''An advice about break-up/dumping/ditching/cheating/broken heart from a woman about another woman is baseless and useless because of her own natural inherent uncontrollable emotion of jealousy. Find a wise man to seek insight and truth so that you wont be dumped again.''

Jun 4, 2012

What Indian Woman Want in Man

" A thousand years from now a woman will still want and need a master, the man who will own and command her - and that's the man she'll respect".

This man would not be respected because he is a dominant bastard but since he can live without her and hence can tell her, order and command her to eventually own her.

He is not master because he baits her ass but he is master because he is in control of himself, his masculinity, his thoughts, his feelings. In no way he is controlled by the pussy landscapes.

So menfolk, don't get fooled by marketing propaganda of diamond, honey package, car, chocolate companies. Your commanding arms the best gift for a woman. 

If you get it in to your skin, you will be eternally happy and more than you would be happy your woman. Woman, however, would not appreciate such a man openly but deep down she desires a man who put her in her shoes and willingly keep her there for life.

Be a man just not because you have a penis.