May 31, 2012

Judge your Lover

Many feminists and modern age blokes would shout their throats as soon as they see the word judging. Don't they. In fact, in this process they are on judging pill. Not going onto their trail, let us focus on Judging and Knowing your Lover more and more. Forget what movies,fashion magazines, celebrities etc say about judging your lover. Love is an integral part of your life and you ve full right not to let it got haywire blindly.

Caveman stone 612 # ''Judge your lover not by his/her words but actions.Words are mis-leading but actions speak the character.Save your ass and kick his/her ass if find a difference in words and actions.''

If you follow the above stone rule, its highly unlike that you would ever be blind in love. It is not advisable even under the pain of grave to turn your eye off from wrongdoings of your lover. Have courage and ration to save your heart as if heart is safe you can love as many as times as you breath.

May 30, 2012

Why women can't keep your secrets ......An Ancient glance.

Love struck men ( and their women) , this month's post is going to be a bit painful again for media-induced-feminism filled minds. Those who want to gain the wisdom will gain, rest will be going in vicious cycle of exploitation which Caveman don't care. This blog is for Men and Women who wants to lead a happy and growing love life.

Caveman stone 147# strong enough to be your own ear for your deep and black secrets. Be a tight lip when it comes about you in any conversation in world

"Search not to find what lies too deeply hid,
Nor to know things whose knowledge is forbid.:


"TO a woman and a magpie tell what you would speak in the market-place," runs the Spanish proverb--the reason being that "a woman only keeps a secret what she does not know;" and therefore an old Latin maxim solemnly enjoins us "not to trust a woman even when dead." Thus Hotspur tells his wife in "I Henry IV." (act ii. sc. 3):--

"Constant you are,
But yet a woman, and for secrecy
No lady closer; for I well believe
Thou wilt not utter what thou dost not know,
And so far I will trust thee, gentle Kate;"

which, in other words, is equivalent to the well-known German adage, "A woman can't keep a secret, nor let any one else do it." But this
maxim cannot be applied only to women, for, as it has been often remarked of secrets, both political and social, they are only too frequently made to be revealed, a truth illustrated by Bell Jonson's words in "The Case is Unaltered," wherein we find this passage:--

"A secret in his mouth
Is like a wild bird put into a cage,
Whose door no sooner opens but 'tis out."

But, whatever dependence is to be placed on a woman's reliability to keep to herself what is told in confidence, it has often been remarked that she can at least keep her own secret, a proof of which will be quickly found if any one question her on the subject of her age.

Apart from this exception, a secret in the keeping of a woman soon becomes what the Spanish are accustomed to call, "The Secret of Anchuelos," that is, one which is known to every one. The town of that name is situated in a gorge between two steep hills, on one of which a shepherd tended his flock, on the other a shepherdess. This pair kept up all amorous converse by bawling from hill to hill, but always with many mutual strict injunctions of secrecy.

The inability of a woman to keep silent what is told her in confidence--even where her husband be concerned--is exemplified in the once popular "He that tells his wife is but lately married"--her indiscretion in disclosing information entrusted to her only too frequently causing serious mischief; with which be compared the Tamil proverb, "Do not disclose your secret to your wife, nor trust your enemy at any time."
But "A wise woman hath a close mouth," which has its equivalent in the French saying, "Le plus sage se tait." According to another popular adage, "Discreet women have neither eyes nor ears," which also has its French parallel, "La femme de bien n'a ny yeux ny orelles."

A piece of proverbial lore which applies to each sex is this: "Tell your secret to your servant and you make him your master"--a maxim which may be traced to an early period when, says Kelly, "it was the policy of the Greek adventurers in Rome to worm out the secrets of the house, and so make themselves feared." Juvenal has referred to this practice:--

"Poor simple Corydon! do you suppose
Aught is kept secret that a rich man does?
If servants hold their tongues, the beasts will blab,
The dog, the door-posts, and the marble-slab."

Similarly, we find the same proverb on the Continent, "To whom you tell your secret you surrender your freedom;" or, according to another version, "Tell your friend your secret, and he will set his foot on your throat." And it may be remembered Dryden has introduced the same idea:--

"He who trusts a secret to his servant,
Makes his own man his master."

African folk-lore, too, introduces the same idea, and a popular proverb says, "If a man tells his secrets to his wife, she will bring him into the way of Satan," which, it has been remarked, is rather a strong contrast to the English proverb, "He who would thrive must ask his wife." And again, it is said, "Trust your dog to the end, a woman till the first opportunity."

As might be supposed, folk-lore, at one time or another, has made good use of the value attaching to secrets; and stories of the supernatural in romantic fiction have shown how the fair sex, under the influence of magical influences, have unknowingly revealed the most sacred secrets. But the moral of most of these tales is the same--and may be applied to either sex--the lesson conveyed being not to trust any one; for, as the French say, "the disclosure of a secret is the fault of him who first disclosed it"--a truth, indeed, which is only too constantly verified in daily life by mistaken trust in another.

Women, it is said, forget the important fact that as soon as a secret becomes the property of three persons it is all the world's, which is summed up in a common Spanish adage, "What three knows every creature knows;" whereas according to the French proverb, "The secret of two is God's secret." The same idea also exists in West Africa, where this proverb is current:" Trust not a woman; she will tell thee what she has just told her companion," and "Whatever be thy intimacy, never give thy heart to a woman."

Turning to some of the numerous folk-tales and legendary stories, in which "the secret" plays the important part, there is the famous one of Melusine, which has been told in many ways. Raymond, Count of Lusignan, was one day hunting the boar in the forest of Poitou, when, whilst wandering in the forest at nightfall through his boar having outstripped his train, he saw Melusine with her sisters, dancing by a fountain in the moonlight. Smitten with her beauty, he asked her to marry him, to which proposal she consented on condition that he would allow her to remain secret and unseen every Sunday. They were married, and her secret was kept until one of his friends suggested that she only desired privacy in order to indulge an adulterous passage.
Raymond thereupon burst into her secret chamber and discovered that she was doomed to have the lower part of her body transformed to that of a serpent every Saturday. The secret broken, she was compelled, henceforth, to leave her husband for ever, and to be totally transformed to a serpent. But her spirit continued to haunt the Castle of Lusignan before the death of any of the lords of that race.

Sometimes, on the other hand, the wife is the transgressor. In a North German story a wizard keeps a young girl by force as his wife. One day, accidentally, he lets out the secret that his soul resides in a bird, which is locked up in a church in a desert place, and that, until the bird is killed, he cannot die. The bird is killed by the girl's lover, and the wizard dies--a similar story being found in the "Arabian Nights."

Oct 7, 2011

Talking with a Girl

Caveman stone 212# Never , for the sake of love's pleasure, give full details of yourself to keep a girl/wife engaged for eternity.

Listen you!! yes you! the one has come here. If you ve come Caveman won't let you go without unrevealing one more secret of dating arena. Mystery is everything in keeping any relationship alive and kicking. So be a mysterious man. It doesn't mean you ve to lie. All Caveman is emphasising that you don't ve to make her chase you for truth.

Do you own a dog? No. Okay, Any other pet? No, Watched your neighbour maintaing and training a dog? No. Go to street with a piece of meat or bread and you will see street dogs will come out of nowhere. Now If you give all the piece of food to dog, he will just grab and vanish it in nowhere again. Now you just hang a small piece is air and he will start jumping to have a hold of it. Isn't it? Then when he eat it, he knows you are hiding another piece in your hand behind your back. He will be chasing you for long.

Whats the above behaviour tells you, boy?

It tell us that human being crave for mystery. More a mysterious man, more our attention and hence attraction towards him. Got it? So all you ve to do is that you ve to be mysterious while being with girls. You ve to hide the piece and you ve to give them also.

Women, by nature are the one who like to chase their men naturally. But you see around there are huge number of chumps who defy this and end in destroying all attraction. They will give every detail so easily. So easily that next hour girl will start taking him ''just as a friend''. And this just as friend is nothing in dating dictionary. Nothing means nothing.

So go and talk..Errr No, Go and create mystery and be mystery. Be the man of her heart and her loin.


Jun 19, 2011

Never Say ''I love You First'' --- Science Confirms What Caveman said in Post 23/5/11

It found that men said the phrase "I love you" before women 61.5 percent of the time. Men also felt "happiest" to hear the three words early in a relationship. Most, however, see the phrase "as a sign a woman wants to go to bed with them".

If spoken later in a relationship, men "may fear commitment", it said. Women, however, do not trust men who say "I love you" too early.


Psychologists from MIT, USA have confirmed what Caveman adviced the guys here about professing their love to a girl. Thaty caveman believes that Science is far behind than philosophical aspects of behaviour. It only depends upon sensual perceptions and results.

Keep reading and keep 'un'learning what have been told to you through all those songs, romantics movies. Realty is the start of salavation. Come!

May 30, 2011

The Book Of Wife : For those who are in hurry to tie the knot

Pussy struck momma boys who are busy in buying their groom suits, if by any chance happen to visit this den of Caveman, are strictly advised to read this post line by line in order to avoid any misconception they 've regarding Wife and Life. This collection is a serious humour is produced with the efforts of D.Q and K.S who are spiritualy enlighted sages. Caveman is gratefull to both gentlemen.

What is the best teacher? Wife itself.

Wife has taught me everything I know.

Wisdom is gained through the experience of wife itself.

Enlightenment is beyond wife and death.

Wife is a long, hard road.

Wife is an unbroken succession of false situations.

Wife was not meant to be easy.

We must strive to give our wives meaning.

Is there wife after death? That is the question.

He was a good man, full of wife.

Unhappy? That's wife.

Despair comes to those who think about wife.

Happy is the man who leads a charmed wife.

Only in solitude can one study the mysteries of wife.

Wife is an utter mystery to me.

The secret to wife is that there is no secret.

"How's wife been treating you?"

Marriage changed my wife for the worse.

Wife is something to occupy you when you can't get to sleep.

Wife and death go hand in hand.

Marriage is a matter of wife and death.

Without death there can be no wife.

Wife is a dead-end street.

I am a man of principle. Whatever I do, I do for wife.

Thinking is wife-threatening.

To think is to risk one's wife.

Thinking has made my wife a misery.

He sacrificed his wife for Truth.

The important thing is not to take wife seriously.

Laughter is the best way of coping with wife.

One must laugh at the little things in wife.

The brave man laughs wife in the face.

It's important to look at the bright side of wife.

My girlfriend changed my wife forever.

What is the purpose of wife if not reproduction?

Having children was the highest point of my wife.

A baby is God's opinion that wife should go on.

Marriage is a part of wife.

Reincarnation: the punishment of wife after death.

Marriage was the culmination of my wife.

The final judge and jury is wife itself.

Wife is just one damn thing after another.

It is not true that wife is one damn thing after another, it is the same damn thing over and over.

Wife is a razor, you are always in hot water or a scrape.

Suicide is preferable to a wife of misery.

The most evil thing a man can do is the taking of wife.

Wife is suffering, then we die.

Wife never ends.

Is there wife in outer space?

The chance of there being intelligent wife on other planets is slim, based on current knowledge.

I was unemployed for so long that the government forced me to do a course in wife skills.

The arrogant are always undone by wife.

Conception is the beginning of wife.

Wife is a sexually transmitted disease.

Wife is an incurable disease.

He that guardeth his mouth keepeth his wife.

My wife is so habitualised I don't even know who I am anymore.

The punishment for marriage is repeated wife after death.

A confirmed bachelor lacks the very spark of wife.

Is there such a thing as a normal wife?

Accept my wife, dear God.

There must be more to wife than having everything.

I can think of nothing less pleasurable than a wife devoted to pleasure.

The strongest force in the universe is the wife force.

A bunch of flowers can provide a new lease on wife.

Every girl has the wife essence.

A man risks everything in his public wife.

Money is the essential ingredient for the enjoyment of wife.

A bachelor knows the enjoyment of wife, but a husband knows the tragedy.
Every culture on earth values the preservation of wife.

If we didn't have a social wife, we would never meet anyone.

Few men try to cultivate a philosophic wife.

Marriage is just everyday wife.

It is dangerous to ignore the emotional wife.

Having to work for a living is part of the cold hard realities of wife.

A bachelor is a man who is afraid of real wife.

Wife is a but a dream.

Wife is change; and change hurts.

I have sought the higher wife in vain.

I have worked hard for my wife's savings.

I'm so convinced that I'm prepared to bet my wife on it.

Sweetheart, my wife is nothing without you.

Where have you been?
What did you do with that money?
What did you mumble under your breath just then?
. . . These are the three big questions of wife.



May 29, 2011

How would/should you respond when a girl says ,'' I love you''.

You are on phone, chat or face to face with your prespective girl and the moment of those 'special word' is squeezing around. What shall a boy do ? Caveman will get back to this later but first he would explain what normally boys do.

Girl:- You know, I ve been feeling for this for a long time now.
You:- Oh, Like what?
Girl:- I can't explain but its exciting you know!
You:- Oh great, please tell me whats that.
Girl:- I like you.[ read I love you ] (Blushing)
You:- ......[Speechless with eyes widening and heart pumping faster]
You:- I love you too. [ Not sure or dead sure like you ve attained which you forefathers never did]

That is how boys do before they meet any Caveman in their life.

Caveman Stone # 141 reads : Never verbally confirm your girl when she comes with - I love you and never ever say it first unless you desperately want to get dumped in 6 months.

Up to now your conditioned mind would be thinking what you should say. See below the conversation between a girl and Caveman.

Girl:- You know I feel for you.
Caveman:- Hmmmmm...
Girl:- Its amazing you know , I see us together for life.
Caveman:- Oh really?
Girl:- I love you.
Caveman:- I know!
Girl:- You know? What..
Girl:- I just expressed I love you..
Caveman:- I know!
Alternate response could be:

Caveman:- How much!

Don't worry about her reaction to your response but never says I love you first. Love is an intense emotion and must be expressed from a man's point of view only once or twice when she has earned that hard, really hard by showing and doing something different in your life than any girl would ve done.

Sorry weak hearts but thats how a man should respond for endurable bond in love life.

May 27, 2011

How to keep your girl always in love.

Boys your eyes must 've sparkled when you read the title of the post. Caveman knows that very well. Falling in love is not that difficult or say getting a girl is not a herculian task. Even the pissboy who can't wipe his nose well, can be seen with a hot smoking girl. Main issue is how to keep that girl always in love with you. Indian boys listen to this song in the Link:-

Listen to the golden wisdom uttered after 4:25 Minute in the video.

Hot smoking Girl nags his lover. He retorts with :- Tere Diwane Ke Haalat Bin Tere Bhi Theek Hai.

The day you learn to live without her is the day she would fall in love with you forever. Here Forever means forever, boys.

Caveman says, Never be verbal about it to your girl rather be the man who can live without her.